Since, I have many friends, who have come to me for personal advice, I decided to get back to blogging again, and this led me to my first new blog.
I have decided to do todays Blog, on Menopause, and I have titled it: Easy Breezy Menopause. I think there are two ways of looking at this amazing transition of life. We can either look at it as an ending to our woman hood, or we can choose to look at it as an amazing beautiful transformation, that will have the possibility of opening many doors in life, that would have otherwise been missed.
Since, I believe that last statement, I will share some things that have helped me, in the past and may be of help to you. I did not want to go the medical route, as all of you who know me, could have guessed. So, after extensive research into the use of herbs, and oils; I used myself as a Guinea pig, sort of speak. I am happy to share some of the things that were beneficial for me.
Lucky for me, I gave up sugar when, I was 32 years old, and that was one of the best things that I could have done for myself, as I believe it made the transition, much easier.
I found the adaptogenic herbs, to be amazing, as they set the balance of hormones in the body.
The following our some of my favorite herbs, and a little info about them:
- Holy Basil - wonderful for stress, as it helps to balance the stress hormone cortisol
- Ashwagandha - an amazing herb for fatigue, stress, inflammation, and cognition
- Maca Root - a wonderful adaptogenic herb, for balancing hormones, and increasing libido.
- Licorice Root - I found this to be a wonderful herb, I drank it everyday in my tea, as it helped to replenish my adrenal's, which is another story for a blog.
- Schisandra Berry - This was an amazing herb, not only for my adrenals, but my liver as well.
- Rhodiola Root - one of my most favorites that, I still use off and on today, as it is great for relieving the symptoms of stress.
- Ginseng - Although, I do have many favorites, this one is probably my most favorite, as it not only lowers stress, but increases brain function as well.
I am sure there are many more, that I used, but since it has been over 10 years, I don't remember all of them, only the ones, that were significant and some, I still use today.
Now on to the vitamin and mineral supplements, that I feel were very beneficial, and our today.
- Vitamin B-12 - so important for brain function, especially as we age. It supports our nervous system, among other things.
- Vitamin B Complex, as it has the necessary B Vitamins that are vital for optimal health
- Vitamin C- so important for proper adrenal function, that supports not only the production of our hormones, but our immune system as well
- Vitamin D3 - is really not a vitamin, but hormone, that protects us from many diseases.
- Magnesium - so important for proper nerve function, blood sugar control, and many many other functions in the body. I suggest you do your research into the many benefits of magnesium. I will say, some may not absorb it as well as needed, so I would suggest trying a topical, which the body can absorb, and tolerates well.
- Zinc - a very important immune mineral, good for vision as well, and many other things.
- Calcium, Selenium, and other trace minerals are so important, as well as knowing which tissue salts will be of benefit for your situation.
I know there are more, but I just want to give you a head start. You will find what works best for you.
is another wonderful thing to incorporate into your life plan; Dancing is my favorite form of exercise, enjoyable with a partner, but can be invigorating done alone. This is not only good for keeping in mental and physical shape, but for just pure fun..
Yoga, is both a spiritual and mental practice and has a calming effect on the mind.
Yoga, through the breath creates not only flexibility but strength.
Being mindful:
be mindful of the breath, not only in times of stress, but times of peace as well. As there is so much untapped power in the breath.
Being mindful of you inhalations and exhalations will do wonders for you and your body.
Strong Connections:
It is so important to make strong connections, with family and friends.
Gratitude: is being grateful for what is and isn't.
Smile and Laughter - you can not feel sad, or mad, when you smile or laugh...
Create spiritual practice of prayer and or meditation: Commune with your creator, so that you can create the life that you want...
Let go and Forgive:
Last but not least; Some other tidbits:
Be aware of hormone disruptors:
Make the majority of your food, plant based.
Find your purpose and live it:
Love and receive Love with all you heart; for LOVE is all there is:
The greatest lesson to learn, is to LOVE Yourself, first:
Know that you are ENOUGH!!!
These are just some of the things that helped my transition, and our still part of my life's practice.
Thank you for reading, and I hope in someway, this inspired you, as sharing is one of my passions!
In Love and Light, Joyful energy!! Prissy Mae
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